
My Nature Nook

My Nature Nook is changing 😊

Published over 2 years ago • 1 min read

What are your nature dreams and aspirations?


Hello Everyone. I hope you are all safe and well?




I am sorry it has been so long since I updated you on the progress of My Nature Nook. Unfortunately, a few months ago, I lost the hundreds of plant, tree and wildlife illustrations I had so diligently worked on over the last four years. (My iPad crashed and sadly not a single one had been backed up. I thought they were, but, turns out they weren’t…)


As you can imagine, this left me really disheartened to the point where I decided to shut My Nature Nook down. But thankfully, I decided not to do anything drastic in the heat of the moment, having spent so long creating it. Instead, I have spent the past few months mulling over how to re-start my Nook and to do so in a more manageable way (chasing toddlers and pre-schoolers doesn’t leave much time for illustrating these days!)


So… I have decided it is time for a change. My Nature Nook mission remains the same - to act as a resource for nature lovers to expand their awareness, grow their nature knowledge and deepen their connection to nature. But, the resources and content will be changing.

Previously, as you know, I had focussed mostly on the awareness aspect with my children’s scavenger hunts and activity books. (I have managed to salvage some of these and will be making them accessible shortly.) But now, I have decided to shift my attention. Specifically, I will be focusing on helping you to grow your nature knowledge (incorporating the awareness activities inside of this). And, this is where I would love your input.

I would love to hear about your nature struggles, challenges, fears and frustrations and also your nature hopes, dreams and aspirations. For example, what do you most struggle with around nature walks? What do you wish you knew more of? How about in nature study? What would you like to learn? Or, foraging and medicinal plants - what do you wish you knew about these? Even nature crafts and skills - what has been sitting on your wish list since forever? When it comes to nature at home, what are your desires there?


If you could wave a magic wand and make your biggest challenges or obstacles disappear, what would these be? Or, if you could wave a magic wand and have instant access to a resource, what would the resource be?


As a valued Nature Nooker, I would love for you to be involved and help shape My Nature Nook’s journey. Together, I am sure we can make the Nook an amazing, nature-rich treasure! I look forward so much to hearing from you. 😊

Take care, stay safe and happy nature walking,


Leila x


P.S. I have a new logo coming soon, too! And I know that you will love it 💕


My Nature Nook

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